Seminar Hardware Security
- type: Seminar (S)
- semester: SS2019
Prof. Dr. Mehdi B. Tahoori
M.Sc. Dennis Gnad
- sws: 2
In this semester, the Dependable Computing Seminar also focuses on the increasingly important field of Hardware Security, as an important part of Dependable Computing. More Details on the Dependable Computing Seminar in general: Dependable Computing
Security is a major concern in an increasingly connected world. The increase in small embedded and cyber-physical systems reaching from smart gadgets up to critical infrastructure leads to more threats on software and hardware components, that now need to withstand much more attacks than in the past. Additionally, distributed supply chains to build electronic devices are susceptible to disruption from malicious actors with the right budget. Thus, recently, the hardware is becoming more and more of an Achilles heel for entire systems, leading to an increased interest in the topics of hardware and embedded security.
The objective of this Seminar is to get familiar with selected topics on Hardware Security, such as Physical Unclonable Functions, Hardware Trojans, Secure Hardware Implementations, Side-Channel and Fault Attacks, and many more that can be discussed individually upon interest of the student.
Depending on the chosen topic, the student will need to learn about the state of the art in that topic and present it in form of a written thesis and final talk. The written part can also be accompanied with a small software or hardware implementation to demonstrate important aspects.
Interested students, please contact: Dennis Gnad