Dependable Computing

  • type: Seminar (S)
  • chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Informatik - Institut für Technische Informatik - ITEC Tahoori
  • semester: SS 2023
  • lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori
  • sws: 2
  • lv-no.: 2400030
  • information: Blended (On-Site/Online)

Reliability and Security play a major role in design of contemporary and next generation electronics and memories. In many safety-critical application domains, reliability is considered as the main design criteria. With nanoscale technologies, the reliability of individual devices is decreasing, therefore reliable computing must be considered in the design flow in order to ensure correctness of computing.

The objective of this seminar is to become familiar with general and state of the art techniques used in design and analysis of fault-tolerant and security-driven digital systems. This seminar overviews reliable (fault-tolerant) computing, hardware security designs and emerging memory devices.

Various topics can be envisioned in the scope of this seminar and the prospective students can choose specific topic from a wide range of areas based on their interests and background.

Language of instructionGerman/English
Organisational issues

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Beinhaltet ebenfalls die Seminare Non-volatile Memory Technologies und Hardware Security.